The boyfriend Jean is hot...for now. Like a summer fling, you want to enjoy every second but you also need to know when to walk away. Currently, I find myself jumping in with both feet and savoring all the fun I can with this wardrobe affair.
My beau of the moment is a pair of soft, ripped in all the right places, Ralph Lauren jeans. It's safe to say I'm in love but I doubt I will be making a full blown commitment to them like I did with my dark indigo skinny jeans.
I just don't see a bright future with these jeans the way I do with my skinny jeans. Probably because they lack the ability to be worn any and everywhere. Boyfriend jeans aren't the most appropriate date to every occasion. I know they are comfy beyond belief and I know they are cool and exciting but for the long haul, I see them eventually making their way to closet Purgatory with my ultra low-rise boot cut jeans from 2003.
I also have to confess, I am writing the article because I saw a beautiful woman getting horribly treated by her jeans. I was at Nordstrom in the makeup department when I saw her. I wanted to tell her she was too good for those jeans that were tight in the wrong places and didn't flatter her ankles, yes, ankle flattery will get you everywhere. I ultimately walked away and decided not to get involved. After all, it was her decision, or did she just not know?
Now I find myself pecking away at the computer in frustration to write this blog. I may be giving unsolicited advice. Many of you may be happy with your choice. However, if you have any doubts as to how to navigate the waters of this trend, then keep reading because there is an answer. Come to think of it, it's more of a formula to this look because yes, it is a "look". Unless you preform hard labor and are ripping your clothes to put bread on the table, then my guess is you forked over a lot of money for this trend.
So, what's the "formula"? It is called the Rule of Juxtaposition. It is my rule and I apply it to pretty much everything from interior design to outfits and food. Just think of how good dark chocolate is with sea salt then you'll get the idea.
Applying it to the boyfriend look one must balance the not so "polished" yet "edgy" jeans with something refined, perfect and edgy. If not, the whole look is just too, "I don't care...but I really do...and I'm following this trend but I don't have my own sense of style". I know this is harsh sounding but I also know each and every person has their own sense of style and I'm willing to bet it is AH-MAZING! I see women everyday either at Starbucks while I'm waiting for my fifth cuppa help me make it through the day or on social media. We each have our own personal vibe that needs to be expressed, individually.
Hair and makeup also fit into the "refined" category. Even Gisele Bunchen's hair has that "I don't care" yet still perfectly imperfect tousled look.
I also feel like once we reach an age where we are no longer getting carded, then the look needs to be a bit more pulled together all around. Please, don't make a voodoo doll of me and stab it when I say this. If I don't then who will?
We are all in this together ladies. It is not always easy to find a boyfriend we can sincerely rock and flatter while being true to who we are. With that said I think this guy has a few seasons left before we kiss him goodbye.
Here are a few ways to be seen with your boyfriends and look FABULOUS!

My beau of the moment is a pair of soft, ripped in all the right places, Ralph Lauren jeans. It's safe to say I'm in love but I doubt I will be making a full blown commitment to them like I did with my dark indigo skinny jeans.
I just don't see a bright future with these jeans the way I do with my skinny jeans. Probably because they lack the ability to be worn any and everywhere. Boyfriend jeans aren't the most appropriate date to every occasion. I know they are comfy beyond belief and I know they are cool and exciting but for the long haul, I see them eventually making their way to closet Purgatory with my ultra low-rise boot cut jeans from 2003.
I also have to confess, I am writing the article because I saw a beautiful woman getting horribly treated by her jeans. I was at Nordstrom in the makeup department when I saw her. I wanted to tell her she was too good for those jeans that were tight in the wrong places and didn't flatter her ankles, yes, ankle flattery will get you everywhere. I ultimately walked away and decided not to get involved. After all, it was her decision, or did she just not know?
Now I find myself pecking away at the computer in frustration to write this blog. I may be giving unsolicited advice. Many of you may be happy with your choice. However, if you have any doubts as to how to navigate the waters of this trend, then keep reading because there is an answer. Come to think of it, it's more of a formula to this look because yes, it is a "look". Unless you preform hard labor and are ripping your clothes to put bread on the table, then my guess is you forked over a lot of money for this trend.
So, what's the "formula"? It is called the Rule of Juxtaposition. It is my rule and I apply it to pretty much everything from interior design to outfits and food. Just think of how good dark chocolate is with sea salt then you'll get the idea.
Applying it to the boyfriend look one must balance the not so "polished" yet "edgy" jeans with something refined, perfect and edgy. If not, the whole look is just too, "I don't care...but I really do...and I'm following this trend but I don't have my own sense of style". I know this is harsh sounding but I also know each and every person has their own sense of style and I'm willing to bet it is AH-MAZING! I see women everyday either at Starbucks while I'm waiting for my fifth cuppa help me make it through the day or on social media. We each have our own personal vibe that needs to be expressed, individually.
Hair and makeup also fit into the "refined" category. Even Gisele Bunchen's hair has that "I don't care" yet still perfectly imperfect tousled look.
I also feel like once we reach an age where we are no longer getting carded, then the look needs to be a bit more pulled together all around. Please, don't make a voodoo doll of me and stab it when I say this. If I don't then who will?
We are all in this together ladies. It is not always easy to find a boyfriend we can sincerely rock and flatter while being true to who we are. With that said I think this guy has a few seasons left before we kiss him goodbye.
Here are a few ways to be seen with your boyfriends and look FABULOUS!