Friday, May 1, 2015

My Most FABULOUS Dates!

My husband and I have a tradition of taking our girls on individual "date nights". We have a big family so we rotate them like a merry-go-round made of little girls.

The whole process is fun and amusing. If they are going out with my husband they get to pick out his outfit....unless he takes them to a game, then jeans and a team shirt are in order. If they go with me, thankfully I get to pick out my own clothes! But they always pick the restaurant.

I try to center my blogs around the number "5" but this blog would never end if I had to list what I love about date nights. My girls share things with me they may not if we were just doing a typical after-school Jamba Juice run or going out for ice cream. When we are out for a longer period of time it feels more like a fun gab-fest. I also can't wait to get home and hear about the fun my husband had on his "date".  Usually I get to hear about how "Daddy let me order Soda (the mischievous grin comes out) and we had steak (they remind me of our typical salmon/chicken dinners).....Daddy finished my dinner....then I had two desserts (another look for my reaction, I pretend to be shocked)....."

I hope my dates aren't second fiddle though I know they probably are and I'm fine with that, especially given the competition. Who can compete with a handsome guy presenting gifts and red meat and unlimited desserts?  I still try, on my date we usually share a bunch of appetizers and as they've gotten older and their pallets more refined the restaurants have evolved. 

Recently my daughter and I had a shopping date. We were looking for a special dress for an event she had to attend so we made it a date too. We didn't have a reservation anywhere but we managed to score a table for two at a restaurant so fabulous I can't remember the name! Seriously, I can't...but it was great. What I do remember is the conversation and the look on her face as she talked about school and her life which is everything that makes me proud to be her mama!  I cant wait for our next date because I know it is going to be FABULOUS! 

Dinner date in SF!

Out on a lunch date...then shopping!

The hubby and the teenager out in SF.
Our oldest daughter and I went out for dessert while the rest of the gang went home. It was a treat to be alone with her!
My husband and our youngest head out on a dinner date but first a pit stop at Build a Bear.


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