I march to the beat of my own drum and I rarely follow a schedule but...I do some of the same things everyday. I just let my moods dictate when and how I do these things, like eating and working out. After all, I have deadlines to meet, children to pick up and drop off, pooches and kitties to feed and a hubby. I'm busy, but I hate feeling like I have to do the same thing everyday like a robot, so I try to mix it up and make it fun all while staying on track. Here are 5 things I do daily that help me do just that.
1. Drink water with a pinch of lemon.
Lemon water is a natural diuretic and helps your system clean itself out. I try to drink water throughout the day but the habit wasn't easy to start. To get into the habit I set a timer on my phone to go off every half-hour, each time I heard the little bell, like Pavlov's pooches, I responded.
I know you've heard this tip more than you've heard Taylor Swift on the radio but we hear it over and over because it works. Water flushes the bad stuff out of your system, so keep a steady stream of water running through your body and the bad stuff won't build up in your system and make you feel sluggish.
I also like to add a sprig of fresh mint or other fresh herbs when they are in season.
Water also staves off hunger pains. Sometimes our brains tell us we're hungry when all we really need is hydration...a.k.a., water.
2. Shop, I mean walk.

Walking, no matter where you do it, burns calories. If you do it in heals and carry bags while you are at it, then just think how fast you are burning calories. I'm convinced the number has to be triple. It takes me ten minutes to break a sweat on the treadmill. When I'm in heels carrying new shoes and a latte I can actually feel my heart rate go up in seconds. I also never take the elevator. In true SF style I swiftly move past people idling on the escalator, on the left of course. I say excuse me and breeze past them all in the name of exercise.
This also applies to daily errands. When I don't get a coveted convenient parking space and I have to hoof it a few extra blocks I think of it as extra cardio.
If I'm not going shopping or running errands then I take off out the door and do a brisk walk if just for twenty minutes. Walking everyday is critical to keeping fit.
3. You need more than cardio.
Since the gym is no longer my favorite place (I have a love hate relationship with the gym, sometimes I love to do classes then sometimes I literally can't make myself go). Since this tumultuous relationship can be draining I often give into my inner brat...but, I also still do something...anything.
In the shower I do calf raises while my conditioner does it's job, before bed I do five/ten minutes of Pilates/yoga. I've noticed a HUGE difference in my body since I started to do yoga and Pilates. I feel longer, leaner and more agile. If I had to pick one form of exercise to do for the rest of my life it would be Pilates....hands down.
I still do conventional exercises in moderation. When I'm cooking or blow drying my hair I'll do a set of squats or lunges. I basically try to do some sort of resistance exercise whenever I think of it.
*I used to do hundreds of crunches at night after I had my first daughter, then I discover Pilates and I was able to accomplish better results in half the time.
4. Eat lots of fruits and veggies.
I try to eat as many veggies everyday as possible. Lucky for me I like them and it doesn't feel like a sacrifice. The hard part is to have them ready when hunger strikes. I've found that when something is easy I do it, if it is hard I make excuses. I try to eliminate this by being prepared. I have carrots, prewashed greens and cold pressed veggie drinks always handy.
5. Get plenty of rest.
I've noticed when I'm sleep deprived I want to eat. If I'm well rested I crave less sugar too. I try to balance my love of watching Bravo and Scandal with my need for sleep. Sometimes sleep looses and when it does....I do too.
Staying fit and healthy is constant work but the more you integrate these good habits into your daily routine, the less it feels like work and pretty soon it wont be work, it will just be a way of life. Plus, there are enough things in life we have to do that are nowhere near fun, so why not keep the things we have to do fabulous!
1. Drink water with a pinch of lemon.
Lemon water is a natural diuretic and helps your system clean itself out. I try to drink water throughout the day but the habit wasn't easy to start. To get into the habit I set a timer on my phone to go off every half-hour, each time I heard the little bell, like Pavlov's pooches, I responded.
I know you've heard this tip more than you've heard Taylor Swift on the radio but we hear it over and over because it works. Water flushes the bad stuff out of your system, so keep a steady stream of water running through your body and the bad stuff won't build up in your system and make you feel sluggish.
I also like to add a sprig of fresh mint or other fresh herbs when they are in season.
Water also staves off hunger pains. Sometimes our brains tell us we're hungry when all we really need is hydration...a.k.a., water.
2. Shop, I mean walk.

Walking, no matter where you do it, burns calories. If you do it in heals and carry bags while you are at it, then just think how fast you are burning calories. I'm convinced the number has to be triple. It takes me ten minutes to break a sweat on the treadmill. When I'm in heels carrying new shoes and a latte I can actually feel my heart rate go up in seconds. I also never take the elevator. In true SF style I swiftly move past people idling on the escalator, on the left of course. I say excuse me and breeze past them all in the name of exercise.
This also applies to daily errands. When I don't get a coveted convenient parking space and I have to hoof it a few extra blocks I think of it as extra cardio.
If I'm not going shopping or running errands then I take off out the door and do a brisk walk if just for twenty minutes. Walking everyday is critical to keeping fit.
3. You need more than cardio.
Since the gym is no longer my favorite place (I have a love hate relationship with the gym, sometimes I love to do classes then sometimes I literally can't make myself go). Since this tumultuous relationship can be draining I often give into my inner brat...but, I also still do something...anything.
In the shower I do calf raises while my conditioner does it's job, before bed I do five/ten minutes of Pilates/yoga. I've noticed a HUGE difference in my body since I started to do yoga and Pilates. I feel longer, leaner and more agile. If I had to pick one form of exercise to do for the rest of my life it would be Pilates....hands down.
I still do conventional exercises in moderation. When I'm cooking or blow drying my hair I'll do a set of squats or lunges. I basically try to do some sort of resistance exercise whenever I think of it.
*I used to do hundreds of crunches at night after I had my first daughter, then I discover Pilates and I was able to accomplish better results in half the time.
4. Eat lots of fruits and veggies.
I try to eat as many veggies everyday as possible. Lucky for me I like them and it doesn't feel like a sacrifice. The hard part is to have them ready when hunger strikes. I've found that when something is easy I do it, if it is hard I make excuses. I try to eliminate this by being prepared. I have carrots, prewashed greens and cold pressed veggie drinks always handy.
5. Get plenty of rest.
I've noticed when I'm sleep deprived I want to eat. If I'm well rested I crave less sugar too. I try to balance my love of watching Bravo and Scandal with my need for sleep. Sometimes sleep looses and when it does....I do too.
Staying fit and healthy is constant work but the more you integrate these good habits into your daily routine, the less it feels like work and pretty soon it wont be work, it will just be a way of life. Plus, there are enough things in life we have to do that are nowhere near fun, so why not keep the things we have to do fabulous!
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