Wednesday, October 28, 2015

310 Nutrition Has Me Hooked! Here are 5 Fabulous Recipes!

I have a new secret weapon! I promise I will never blog about something I don't use and believe in. With that said, I'm very excited to share what is now a regular part of my routine, 310 Nutrition Shakes...I am using the vegan formula and it is gluten free, nut free, dairy free, soy free, egg free, and sugar free! One serving is 100 calories and has a whopping 15 grams of protein!

I was looking for a healthy way to get all the nutrients I need and feel good during my busy schedule. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that I had leaned up a bit after starting them. Who wouldn't love that?! Especially now that I'm constantly posting fashion pics on Instagram! A girl needs all the help she can get... when she has an addiction to dessert!

I chose the vegan formula because I try to follow a dairy free diet, "try" being the key word here because I also have a cheese addiction that I doubt I will ever kick. I've also been known to indulge when I go out to dinner, eat half of what I bake and splurge when the mood strikes. I am not a totally irresponsible eater, I east healthy eighty percent of the time. I guess that's why this shake fits into my diet so well. It is everything I want in a meal and it is easy and yummy.

I've been experimenting with different combinations since I started drinking them and here are my go to and favorite recipes. You have to try 310 Nutrition!!! It is FABULOUS!

1. Vanilla Berry

One scoop of 310 Vanilla Shake mix

6 oz. ice cold water

6 oz. unsweetened almond milk

5 frozen strawberries 

1/2 cup frozen raspberries

1 Tbsp. honey

1/2 Tbsp. cinnamon

2. Banana Berry Smoothie

One scoop of 310 Vanilla Shake mix

6 ounces almond milk

6 ounces water

1 frozen banana

5 frozen strawberries

3. Chocolate Banana and Peanut Butter

One scoop of 310 Nutrition Vegan Chocolate

12 ounces of water

one frozen banana

1 Tbsp. Peanut butter

1/4 cup ice

4. Chocolate berry

One scoop of 310 Nutrition Vegan Chocolate

1/2 cup frozen raspberries

5 frozen strawberries

6 oz. coconut milk

6 oz. water

1/2 cup ice

5. Peanut Butter Snack bites

1 cup of  rolled oats

2 tbsp. of natural organic peanut butter

1 scoop of 310 Nutrition Vegan Vanilla Shake Mix

1 tbsp. honey

3 tbsp. chia seeds

1 tsp of cinnamon

1/3 cup of apple sauce

In a small bowl mix, roll into small bite size balls and refrigerate in an airtight container.

Tip*I carry a single serving size in a dry shaker with a bottle of water in a bag to mix. I instantly have a meal! I keep it the car if I can't eat lunch while I'm out running in a million directions. This has saved me from the cravings of hunger more than once!

I am excited to share a promo code:  T85XBQ  for a $10.00 discount! It will be the best thing you buy yourself......promise!

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