Monday, April 6, 2015

I Just Started Drinking Something New and FABULOUS.

Some drinks come and go and some are just too good to be called trendy. Matcha is just that, it's the new "it drink" but I'm pretty sure it's here to stay. Matcha literally means "powdered tea".  Typically it's made by infusing a teaspoon of Matcha into  a third cup of hot water, then whisked with a bamboo brush until it foams up. It was the "it drink" at Fashion Week, actually being guzzled more than the afternoon latte. It can be tossed back like a shot or some people sweeten it with a bit of Stevia and sip it. I think it tastes bold and if green had a flavor his would be it.


1. It's like green tea on steroids.

The whole leaf (of high quality tea) is ingested rather than being made conventionally by steeping. Therefore, it is more heavily concentrated with vitamins and minerals and most importantly...antioxidants.

2. It has twice as much caffine as green tea.

In some cases it can contain triple the amount of caffeine as green tea because you are consuming the whole leaf.  I've even heard that one glass of Matcha is the equivalent of up to ten glasses of green tea.

3.  Detoxifies naturally.

Just like your makeup needs to come off at the end of the day so your skin can breath, the same is true for your insides.

4. Enhances your mood.

It's been shown to reduce Cortisol (a stress hormone). Cortisol is known as one of those bad hormones that triggers emotional eating and its also the evil culprit behind the storage of belly fat.

5. Fights virus and bacteria

Matcha is known for boosting your immune system. It also helps reduce bacteria's rampant tendencies.

Tip* Matcha can be used in recipes too...think muffins or's the limit.


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