Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Top 5 Comandments For Getting The Body You Want Or Used To Have.

If I ever write a book about fitness, clean eating and loosing weight it would be very short. I have more experience in this department than I want but in the end the formula for success is simple. I gained a shameful fifty pounds when I was pregnant. YES FIFTY! In my defense I was on bed-rest but I also have to throw myself under the bus because I distinctly remember eating In-n-Out at midnight because I was convinced my baby "needed the protein" and the milkshake was for added calcium right?

So, how did I shed the pounds? It was actually quite simple but it took longer than I wanted. In my case it took nine months to put it on and nine months to take it off. I cried...a lot about this, I worked out and I skipped meals in frustration then would eat a huge dinner because I was famished. I was very emotional about this and I cried....a lot. Oh-did I already say that? Come to think of it, maybe I shed a few pounds in tears.

Finally, once I got my head on straight and went back to my old habits and way of life the weight slipped off like last seasons coat. I not am kidding when I say this. It literally just came off because I finally let common sense prevail. Here is what I did and still do...daily. I stand by these habits or way of life. Whatever you call it, it works!

1. Thou shalt not buy any food if you can't pronounce the ingredients on the label.

It's really simple. Whole ingredients that exist on planet earth and occur naturally are it. I know you may have heard this but I promise if you try it your grocery cart will look very different. Oreos will be a thing of the past as well as most juices, breads, chips and condiments.  Just think preservatives are not meant to be eaten they are meant to keep food on the shelf of a store for weeks and still "look" fresh...that isn't something you want in your body.  If you follow any of these commandments let this be the one.

2. Thou shalt steal time to workout or move everyday.

Somewhere somehow just move. When I don't have time to get a real work out in, which is probably fifty percent of the time.... I still somehow and someway move.  I do kitchen counter pushups, a few yoga poses before bed.  I do standing leg lifts while I'm brushing my teeth. This actually takes a little concentration and I'm sure it is quite amusing to watch. Still, I don't care and the added bonus is my family laughing at me. It's all very random and on the whim but that's how I roll.

3. Thou shalt eat carbs.

It is impossible for me to feel satisfied without carbs. I just try to make sure they are complex carbohydrates like quinoa, sweet potatoes and things that grow naturally not things made in a factory. Still, I eat French bread almost daily, I have oatmeal, and yes, I eat pasta a few times a week. I know this seems counterproductive but trying to stay on a strict and restricted diet is unrealistic, especially when you like to eat out like I do. You need carbs but be sure they are worth the calories and are the "good" carbs.

Sugar also falls under the category of carbs. This is tricky. I really do my best to avoid sugar and I have an alternative. I'm going to do a whole blog on the "White Devil" aka White Sugar soon. 

4. Thou shalt not covet fat.

Don't covet fat... eat it....daily. Fat is necessary. Again I'm referring to the good fat but I still eat butter daily too. I don't eat a cube of it  but if I want it on toast or I want a bite of my daughters croissant....I have it. Again, it is about following a balanced healthy diet not deprivation. The second something is off limits it becomes coveted and that is a slippery slope down the road to sinful eating.

Tip* If I'm craving something decadent like gelato I follow the simple rule of a three bite maximum. That should be just enough to get it out of my system. Obviously when I'm out for dinner or at a party I throw caution to the wind but most of the time I pretty good.

5. Thou shalt drink a smoothie or juice daily.

This was huge for me. I started to integrate veggie and fruit smoothies into my diet years ago and I don't go a day without one. I can always fit them in my busy schedule and they keep me on track and  also keep my blood sugar stable.


In my case, and from what I've read, maintaining a healthy weight has more to do with diet than working out. If you don't eat the bad stuff then you've won half the battle already.

Happy Hump Day!
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